image showing the 5 research clusters

Research Clusters

We are delighted to introduce the Bristol Poverty Institute’s (BPI) five interdisciplinary research clusters:

The Bristol Poverty Institute’s (BPI) five interdisciplinary research clusters aim to bring together researchers across University of Bristol.

  • Child Health and Development, bringing together researchers interested in how issues related to poverty can intersect with child health and child development from both medical and social perspectives.
  • Education and Inequalities, bringing together researchers interested in the intersections between education (at different levels and scales), poverty, and inequalities.
  • Food and Nutrition, bringing together researchers interested in the intersections between food systems, diet and nutrition, health, well-being and poverty.
  • Livelihoods and Debt, bringing together researchers interested in the intersections between livelihoods, personal finance, debt, and poverty.
  • Multidimensional Poverty Measurement, bringing together researchers interested in the concept of poverty as multidimensional, and methods for measuring, analysing, and tackling it.

Our ambition for these Clusters is to bring together experts from across the University to identify and explore synergies, share expertise and advice, and pursue opportunities for collaborative working. This will be achieved through events and networking activities both within and across the Clusters.  Activities could include, for example, journal clubs, brown bag lunches, seminars, brainstorming sessions in response to funding opportunities, film screenings, and mock presentations to gather feedback in advance of conferences.

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