Undergraduate Summer Projects in Data Mining and Analytics

The Data 2 Knowledge (D2K) research group has two undergraduate summer research placements in data mining and analytics within the Publications Metadata Augmentation (PMA) project.

The Project

The PMA project aims to create a generalised datamining tool to extract publication metadata related to individual UK cohort studies. It will create a dataset of enhanced publications metadata that can then be analysed for a range of purposes including social studies of health sciences and measuring the impact of cohort studies.

Successful students will conduct a range of duties to assist on the PMA project, tailoring to candidate strengths and research interests. This is likely to include:

Person specification:

Placements will be situated in School of Social and Community Medicine at Oakfield House for 6-10 weeks between June and September 2016. Flexibility can be taken into account with term start/end dates. Students will be paid on a monthly basis at a rate of £275 a week, working standard research hours.

How to apply

Please email Dr Becca Wilson (becca.wilson@bristol.ac.uk) a CV and a brief description (limit 300 words) describing your suitability for this summer research placement.