Site in focus: Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital

‌Linda Park, Senior Research Practitioner, lists crucial points for recruitment.

"Some of the factors which help us to maximise recruitment:

Having a urology research registrar who is enthusiastic and committed .

Holding a dedicated urology research clinic once a week run by the research registrar in the SOPD.

Having a research clinic room in the research department which we can book at short notice. This helps to minimise the disruption for patients as we can offer them appointments to suit them.

Keeping a list of all potential patients who may be suitable for the trial at some point in the future (once the results of tests, etc. are available) has meant that we can check regularly whether a patient has become eligible for the study and approach them at the most appropriate time. This means that we do not miss an opportunity to approach any eligible patients

Regular meetings between the research registrar and research nurse at least once per week to ‘catch up’ and go through our list of potential patients."

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