Site in focus: East Kent and Canterbury

Sarah Stirrup, Research Nurse, told us what it was like setting up UPSTREAM at her site: 

 ‌Sarah Stirrup (right hand side) with Carol Davidson (Urology Nurse Specialist) and Gary Wickens (Urology Assistant)

Sarah (right) with Carol Davidson (Urology Nurse Specialist) and Gary Wickens (Urology Assistant)

"I think we had everything set up here quickly as we involved all the key players from the start - the Urology Specialist Nurses (Elaine Freer and Carol Davidson) who will see the referred patients in clinic for their initial appointment are essential to the screening process. It helps that these nurses are very experienced, and are aware of when a patient is not appropriate for the study even if they look good on paper

The Urology department is experienced in research with a number of studies active at present, and the consultants are proactive. The PI Adrian Simoes has communicated with the whole team about the study and is always available for a discussion about a potential participant. 

Adrian Simoes PI at East Kent and Canterbury

PI, Adrian Simoes

The research team are carrying out extensive screening by reading referral letters, attending clinics, reading patient notes, sending out patient information and phoning patients. In addition to BPH clinic lists, we are screening and giving information to patients who attend for a TWOC and monitoring their outcome - if they still have troublesome symptoms, we can then see them at their review meeting to discuss participation in the study. 

Good communication is the key!"

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