
OSCAR phase 1 & 2 data collection completion

We have now finished data collection for phases 1 and 2 at our final two sites, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust. We are grateful to all the sites for having us, and all the patients, companions and clinicians for their time and taking part. 

Photo of Gloucester hospital and London Royal Free Renal UnitsWe completed interviews with clinicians, patients and companions, collected renal supportive decision aid documents and completed observations taking field notes for phase 1. For Phase 2 we video-recorded renal consultations, and asked the recorded clinicians, patients and companions to complete surveys. We are now working on data analysis and are looking forward to sharing our findings soon - watch this space! 

OSCAR Data collection begins at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Cardiff photo of renal department

Data collection is underway for the OSCAR study at our second site: Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. We are part way through Work Package 1, having begun our observations, clinician interviews and document collection at the renal department at University Hospital of Wales. We hope to be able to visit two other renal clinics in Newport and Gwent.

We have started to collect video-recordings of consultations at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board – so far recording is going well in the renal department!

OSCAR Data collection begins at North Bristol NHS Trust

North Bristol NHS Trust renal photos

We began collecting data at our first site, North Bristol NHS Trust, in July 2021. Data collection at our first five sites comprises two work packages:

Work Package 1

We started ethnographic observation in waiting areas and in consultations at four different outpatient clinics; familiarising ourselves with current practice, completing interviews with a variety of clinicians and collecting different documents relating to treatment options. We completed 18 hours of observation and 6 interviews with clinicians at North Bristol NHS Trust.

Work Package 2

We video-recorded consultations between renal clinicians, eligible patients, and attending companions. Patients were invited to opt in or out of recording and were consented after their consultations. All participants were then invited to complete a survey, and a small subsection of patients and companions were invited to take part in an interview.

We have currently recorded 30 consultations with a range of clinicians, patients and companions, and completed seven follow up interviews. The bulk of our video-recording at North Bristol NHS Trust has been completed, but we aim to return to complete up to six more videos.

A big thank you to everyone for taking part and supporting the OSCAR study at North Bristol NHS Trust so far!

Patient and Public Involvement meeting

In March 2020 we held a joint patient and public involvement (PPI) meeting with the Prepare for Kidney Care study. The PPI group gave us useful feedback of our draft patient-facing documents to explain and aid recruitment to the OSCAR study. Their feedback has been incorporated to develop the OSCAR recruitment poster, introduction letters, participant information sheets, opt in letters for interview and interview topic guides.

OSCAR PPI patient facing document review

Site visits

In February and March 2020, we visited the five sites taking part in Work Packages 1 and 2. 

We met the renal teams at North Bristol Trust, Gloucester Hospitals NHS Trust, The Royal Free Hospital, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnerships Trust and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. We were able to tell each site a bit more about the study and answer questions from the teams. 

OSCAR team meet renal clinicians from Coventry and Warickshire Partnership Trust



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