The following individuals all provided funding or services to assist with the running of the study, for which we express our gratitude. Apologies for any omissions.
- Allied Dunbar International Fund Managers
- Barclays Financial Services Ltd
- Mrs D Bigland (HJ Cooper)
- Board of Education (IoM)
- Bodystat
- Mrs Sally Bolton
- Mr & Mrs A Brown
- Mrs Clare Bryan
- Dr Gillian Burdett
- Deemster TW Cain (Patron)
- Mr David Cannan (MHK)
- Child Growth Foundation
- Mrs Chinn-Davies (Strix Ltd)
- Mrs Christal
- Mrs June Clague
- Mrs L Clarke (Overseas Company Regn. Agents (OCRA))
- Corkhills Garage
- Deemster Corrin
- Coutts (IoM) Ltd
- Mr Alan Crowe (MHK)
- Peter Curtis
- Dandara Homes
- Mr Davidson (Lions Club)
- Mr & Mrs E Davies
- Mrs FE Dennis
- Dept of Health & Social Security (IoM)
- Mr & Mrs G Dixon
- Dr. Scholl Foundation
- Mrs Margaret Douglas
- Douglas Child Welfare Fund
- Mrs CM Ellis
- Mrs Clare Faulds
- G.H. MIMS Recital
- Mr GA Gisborne
- Dr. SA Goodfellow
- Gough Ritchie Trust
- Mr John Grace (Secretary, Douglas Rotary Club)
- Mrs Hazel Hannan
- Mrs A Hartley
- Mrs T Hedges
- Mr RA Henry
- The Hewitt Trust
- Mrs Eileen Hill (Northern Ladies Group)
- Mrs JEP Holt & Mrs Juliet Holt (Ronaldsway Aircraft Company)
- Mr Mike Hoy
- Mr Frank Inman (Noble’s Hospital)
- IoM Bank
- IoM College
- IoM Lottery
- IoM Postgraduate Medical Centre
- Jersey European Airways
- Mr Patrick Leahy
- Dr. Ann Lee
- Mr Jack Lewis
- Lions & Lady Lions Clubs
- Lister Trust
- Mr Nicholas Keig
- Mr WG Kelly
- Mr Adrian Kermode (Corkill’s Garage)
- Mrs Kilgallon (British/American Financial Services, Allied Dunbar Ltd)
- Mr AC Knott (PlanWay Services Ltd)
- Manx Airlines
- Manx Asthma Association
- Manx Diabetic Group
- The Martin Trust
- Mrs Ruth Markus
- Medical Research (IoM)
- Mr S. Mueewson (Bodystat (IoM) Ltd)
- Music in Miniature Society (MIMS) (Proceeds from GH Reception)
- Noble’s Hospital/Ramsey Cottage Hospital
- O’Connor Trust Fund for Deaf Children
- O’Gorman Trust
- Mr Simon Parkes
- Mrs Joanne Peake (Britannia International)
- Mrs Leo Philips
- The Prince’s Trust
- Valerie Quirk (Viking Slimmer’s Club)
- Mr H Ramagge (Manx Diabetic Group)
- Mr RC Rawcliffe
- Retired Noble’s Hospital staff
- Mrs EM Rolfe
- Rotary Club
- Mrs Eunice Salmond
- Sangster Group
- Mrs VE Sharples (Coutts Bank)
- Mrs Shimmin
- Mrs L Shipstone (Royal Life Staff Charity Committee)
- Mr Alan Smith (Bank of Bermuda)
- Soroptomists
- Mr R Spencer/Mr P Cowley (Mercury Asset Management)
- Mrs F Starkey
- Mrs V Stratford Parson (Ladies Lions (IOM))
- Mr & Mrs D Sugden
- T & DM Taubman
- Mrs D Thompson
- University of Liverpool
- Mr W Ussher
- Lady SB Walker
- Mrs Wernham (Manx Mini Club)
- Mrs J Whittaker & Mrs Greenwood
- Lady Eva Wilson
- Capt. Gordon Wilson (in memory of Carole Keig)
- Ms Ann Yates
- Keyll Darree; and many other island individuals and sponsors, Island primary school teachers and Secondary school staff, parents and their children.