H4RT Patient Information Sheet

An Overview

We would like to invite you to take part in the H4RT research study. Before you decide if you want to take part it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please read this and discuss it with other people (such as a family member, friend or the research nurse) if you wish. You can ask us if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. 

We are inviting patients who are already coming into a dialysis unit 3 or more times a week to take part in a research study comparing two different types of haemodialysis - haemodiafiltration and haemodialysis.

  • Research to date has found no survival or quality of life difference between the two treatments.
  • This may be because they have not cleaned enough water from the blood.
  • Your clinical team agrees that either treatment is appropriate for you.
  • You should notice no difference in your dialysis treatment - there are no additional visits.
  • Taking part is completely voluntary and you are free to change your mind at any time.
  • If you choose not to take part, the care you receive will not be affected in any way.
  • If you agree to take part, a research nurse will come to see you in the dialysis unit.

If you are interested in finding out more:

Part 1 tells you why we are doing this study and what will happen to you if you take part

Part 2 gives you more detailed information about the study,

Part 3 provides further information about the healthcare organisations from which we propose to collect the data from the study.

Part 1: If you are interested in finding out more

Part 2: If you are thinking about taking part

Part 3. Collecting data about you from other healthcare organisations 

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

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