Capacity Building

Virtual Training Programme the Environmental Risk Assessment of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the context of the ‘One Health’ approach

3 days workshop (20-22 October 2021)

UK Lead: Prof Jason Week, Director of ERA; Director IEH Consulting Ltd.

China Lead: Prof Fei Yan, Fudan University

The main objectiveof this virtual course are to develop your skills in environmental risk assessment and the translation of scientific evidence into policy advice. At the end of the course, the participants are aware of the international legislative background on AMR and the use of antimicrobials, together with the relevant international initiatives related to the topic. Additionally, early career researchers are familiar with basic concepts on how to monitor AMR in the human and veterinary sectors and are familiar with the environmental risk assessment of AMR. Lastly, they have an opportunity to understand the requirements to translate scientific evidence into policy. 




The Challenge of AMR Workshop

4 days workshop (November 2020)

UK Lead: Prof Helen Lambert, University of Bristol

China Lead: Prof Bo Zheng, Peking University

The Challenge of AMR Workshop supported by British Council and Newton Fund, together with National Science Foundation of China, provided opportunities for early career researchers (ECRs) from the UK and internationally to interact, learn from each other and explore opportunities for building long-lasting research collaborations. The workshop focuses on cross-disciplinary research to understand the ecological, community, economic and medical determinants and consequences of AMR. Thirty-three early career researchers attended this online workshop over four consecutive half-days in November 2020.



PBA capacity building training

Person Based Approach (April-June 2019)

Led by Christie Cabral & Lucy Yardley, University of Bristol

This training course covered the key steps of the Person Based Approach (PBA) to intervention development. It covered identifying key issues, developing guiding principles, conducting think aloud interviews with users and using a table of changes to revised intervention content.  The course used a mixed teaching and learning approach combining self-led exercises, tutor mediated on-line seminar discussions and face to face teaching.   


Training on Cross-Discplinary research design and methods

1-day training workshop ( April 2019)

Led by Professor Debin Wang (AMU), Professor Lily Yao ( Leicester University) and Professor Chaowei Fu (Fudan University)

This one-day training workshop was run successfully at Peking University and it covered design and methods of various studies, including cohort study, matched case-control study, randomised controlled trial, qualitative research, environmental sampling and health economics. It provided early career researchers a great opportunity to connect with experts to develop their research capacity. 


B‌MS Short Course

In 2021 (March - July), 16 Hub early career researchers (11 from China teams and 5 from the UK teams) completed approxiately 32 online short courses organized by Bristol Medical School.

The courses included medical statistics, qualitative research, epidemiology, randomised trials, appraisal and synthesis of research and health economics.

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