Bristol Appraisal and Review of Research Group

The Bristol Appraisal and Review of Research (BARR) group at the Population Health Sciences department at Bristol Medical School was formed in 2016. We have an interest in the methodology and application of research synthesis methods such as systematic reviews, meta-analysis and critical assessment of research evidence. We have strong links with Cochrane and connections with Campbell Collaboration.

BARR is part of the Bristol Evidence synthesis, Appraisal and Modelling (BEAM) Centre.

BARR runs a monthly Methods in Evidence Synthesis Salon (the MESS), at which we host informal discussions of methods related to systematic reviews. Anyone is welcome to join us; contact Rebecca Wilson or Francesca Spiga. See our MESS blog.


We run a short courses including our 4-day course Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis as part of the School’s Short Course Programme. We also contribute to other courses within this programme including Introduction to Network Meta-analysis. Externally, we have regularly offered workshops at Cochrane Colloquia and other Cochrane meetings, and have run courses at the Swiss Epidemiology Winter School


Bristol Appraisal and Review of Research group
Population Health Sciences
Bristol Medical School
Room 2.01
University of Bristol
Canynge Hall
39 Whatley Road
Bristol, BS8 2PS
United Kingdom

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