Sociological Theories of Multiple Risk Behaviour in Young People

This study, led by Pandora Pound, aimed to identify sociological theories of risk taking in young people, with a view to producing a synthesis of these theories. A clearer theoretical understanding was needed to provide insight into why multiple risk taking clusters in adolescence and to help inform the design of interventions and the analysis of data.  A longer term goal was to develop a methodology for systematically searching for and synthesising theoretical literature. This study is now complete.


Pound P, Campbell R. Exploring the feasibility of theory synthesis: a worked example in the field of health related risk-taking.  Social Science and Medicine 2015; 124: 57-65.  10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.11.029

Pound P, Campbell R. Locating and applying sociological theories of risk-taking to develop public health interventions for adolescents. Health Sociology Review 2015; 24(1): 64-80.  10.1080/14461242.2015.1008537

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