PRoGRAM-A (PReventing Gambling RelAted Harm in Adolescents)

The overall aim is to develop a school based, peer-led, social network intervention to protect adolescents from gambling related harm.

The research objectives are:
1. To adapt an existing evidenced-based, peer led, social network, intervention (ASSIST) to increase student self-efficacy to
resist gambling.

2. To conduct preliminary work to test the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention and study procedures to trainers,
school staff, and to students and their wider social network.

3. To identify key structures and parameters required for future feasibility testing: recruitment and retention rates; fidelity of
implementation to the intervention manual; key partners; resources required.

4. To identify key areas of uncertainty for examination in the subsequent feasibility and pilot testing phase of intervention

5. To explore the extent of message diffusion in peer supporter social networks.

6. To produce a description of the proposed intervention in line with TIDieR-PHP guidelines.


 Centre for Public Health Contact working on the study: Prof Rona Campbell 

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