Using the Centre for NSQI
The Centre for NSQI is managed by the School of Physics, but is a University-wide resource for anybody who is working in either the Nanoscience or Quantum Information fields.
Funding for Low Noise Labs (LNLs):
While use of the NSQI LNL is 'free' to the researcher, a successful applicant will have either:
- sufficient FEC funds from current grants to cover the spaces used
- backing from their School or Faculty to cover the cost on their behalf
- external funding sufficient to cover the full costs
As LNL running costs are annually apportioned to Schools/Faculties, based upon actual usage in the previous year, you will need the approval of your School and/or Faculty Manager for your application to the NSQI LNL.
Please obtain approval for this prior to submitting an application. Use of NSQI LNL is a selective process based upon the need to use low noise laboratories and on the achievement of research.
Main research project applications
- New projects: Even if you already have another project running in the building, you are required to apply to Physics for a new project. Contact
- New researchers: Please contact Alex Martin ( with the name of your group, supervisor and where in the building you will be working. He will then send you instructions on the induction process.
- New experiments: Adding new experiments within a project requires new risk assessments to be written.
Induction and access for new building/lab users
- Inductions: Assuming a successful application, a building induction will be carried out by the NSQI administrator and lab inductions will be carried out by the relevant Lab Manager(s).
Please contact Alex Martin ( with the name of your group, supervisor and where in the building you will be working. He will then send you instructions on the induction process. - Risk assessment: A new risk assessment for your work will need to be completed or existing assessment signed up to.
- Safety training: Safety training will need to be completed for any specific risks associated with labs or restricted areas. Contact
Lab visits
The Centre welcomes visits by dignitaries, researchers, industrial partners and students. However, this is a multi-user building and a visit is a disruptive event. Therefore we ask that prior notice is given (five working days minimum), so that we can check with other Centre users and make any arrangements necessary (scientific, security, safety etc.)