NMJ - self assessment questions

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Some of these exercises offer users the opportunity to launch the Windows calculator (if you don't have one handy). This is set up for all public access machines in Bristol. For this to work outside the UOB domain you will need to install a samll programme and define a Helper application in the Brower. The application is WebLaunch which is available from the link below.

In some instances information is held in Excel, Powerpoint or Word documents. These should be opened by you own machine in Excel, Powerpoint or Word if you have the permissions on your Browser set accordingly.

This page has been accessed [an error occurred while processing this directive] times since 17/11/98.

Copyright (c) 1998 University of Bristol. All rights reserved.
Author: Phil Langton
Last modified: 19 Feb 2001 09:31
Authored in CALnet