Dr David Leech
MA Hons (St.And.), M.Phil (Cantab.), PhD (Cantab.)
Current positions
Senior Lecturer
Department of Religion and Theology
Press and media
Many of our academics speak to the media as experts in their field of research. If you are a journalist, please contact the University’s Media and PR Team:
Research interests
Research Supervision
I welcome enquiries from students wishing to pursue research in the areas of philosophy of religion and the history of philosophy of religion, the philosophy of love/the heart, philosophical atheism, (Neo)Platonism (especially Cambridge Platonism), critiques of philosophical naturalism, and religious agnosticism.
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
8010 AHRC via Uni Cambridge; Leech, D
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
Department of Religion and TheologyDates
01/09/2016 to 31/10/2019
Cambridge Platonists (Cambridge University lead)
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
Department of Religion and TheologyDates
01/09/2016 to 31/08/2019
The Cambridge Platonists at the origins of Enlightenment: texts, debates, and reception (1650-1730) (Cambridge University Lead)
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School of Modern LanguagesDates
01/09/2016 to 31/08/2019
Thesis supervisions
Religious hatred and its contribution to human conflict
Getting into her Habit/Practice-to-Practice
Discerning the Spirit
Recent publications
13/09/2021Cartesian Immaterialism
The Routledge Handbook of Idealism and Immaterialism
Does Henry More's Conception of a 'Divine Life' Bear Traces of Origenist Influence?
'That Miracle of the Christian World' Origenism and Christian Platonism in Henry More
'New Agnosticism', Imaginative Challenge and Religious Experience
Psychology and Ethics (Moral Psychology)
Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences
Free Will in Henry More
Origen's Philosophy of Freedom in Early Modern Times