Professor Steve Burrow
M.Eng., Ph.D.(Bristol)
Current positions
Professor of Aircraft Systems
School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering
Press and media
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Research interests
My longstanding interest in analogue and power electronics has proved an ideal background to support a varied portfolio of research projects ranging from More Electric Aircraft technologies to environmental sensing and from structural health monitoring to energy harvesting. The common theme running through my research is the efficient manipulation of electrical energy: an important consideration whether dealing with a 200kW aircraft generator or a 1μW energy harvester. The continued advances in switched-mode power circuit architectures and components are enabling new applications such as the electrical actuation of aircraft flight control surfaces, or adaptive, power autonomous vibration suppression. I particularly enjoy projects spanning discipline boundaries and have formed successful collaborations with academics working in non-linear mathematics, glaciology and structural dynamics.
Energy Harvesting
Energy harvesting is the term applied to low power renewable electrical energy generation. Commonly it can take the form of harvesting solar, heat or vibration energy. I am interested in the design of transducers for vibration energy harvesting, particularly electromagnetic transducers and non linear resonant structures, and also the design of power conditioning electronics for all forms of harvesting. By studying the interactions of systems with dynamic components in both mechanical and electrical domains we can design energy harvesting systems with optimised power generation.
Enviromental sensing
We have developed a range of novel techniques to deploy sensors underneath Ice Sheets. The goal is to provide tools to help scientists understand the hydrology of the ice sheet system and its response to climate forcing. Electronic tracers have been trialled on the Greenland Ice Sheet, where they are introduced into moulins and travel though the sub glacial water conduits logging pressure as they go. Once they discharge at the snout of the glacier RF tracking is used to locate them and recover data.
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Multidomain Synthesis for New Concept Hydraulic and In-Wheel Motor Suspension Systems
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
Department of Mechanical EngineeringDates
01/10/2021 to 30/09/2024
Network Synthesis for Air Suspension and Electromagnetic Suspension Design
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
Department of Mechanical EngineeringDates
01/01/2021 to 31/12/2022
The power of glacial flour - A novel fertiliser for sustainable agriculture in the developing world
Principal Investigator
Principal Investigator
TBDManaging organisational unit
School of Geographical SciencesDates
01/01/2017 to 01/04/2021
RTVP initial costing (SGB)
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
Department of Aerospace EngineeringDates
01/10/2010 to 01/03/2014
Investigating meltwater flow beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet using a multi-tracer approach.
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
Department of Aerospace EngineeringDates
01/09/2010 to 01/09/2014
Thesis supervisions
Recent publications
14/11/2024A Graph-Based Methodology for Optimal Design of Inerter-Based Passive Vibration Absorbers With Minimum Complexity
Structural Control and Health Monitoring
Design Considerations and Experimental Testing of a Wide-Area Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) System for Body-Worn Electronics
Experimental study on a passive-active-combined suspension design methodology (Invited Talk)
A configuration-optimisation method for passive-active-combined suspension design
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Enhancing the trade-off between ride comfort and active actuation requirements via an inerter-based passive-active-combined automotive suspension
Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility