Professor Seth Bullock
BA Hons (Sus.), DPhil (Sus.)
Current positions
Toshiba Chair in Data Science and Simulation
School of Computer Science
Press and media
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After gaining a BA in cognitive science and a DPhil (PhD) in evolutionary simulation modelling from the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences at Sussex University, I spent two years in Berlin at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development working on simulating the evolution of adaptive decision-making behaviour in people and other animals. In 1999 I took up a five-year University Research Fellowship at the University of Leeds, founded the Biosystems research group, and became a Lecturer there in 2004. In October 2005 I joined the University of Southampton as Senior Lecturer, and helped to found the Science and Engineering of Natural Systems (SENSe) research group. In 2009 I became head of the SENSe group, and also became Director of Southampton's Institute for Complex Systems Simulation (ICSS). In 2011 I was promoted to Professor of Computer Science and helped found the Agents, Interaction and Complexity (AIC) research group. In 2015 I joined the University of Bristol's Department of Computer Science as Toshiba Chair in Data Science and Simulation. From 2016 until 2020 I was Head of Department for Computer Science. In 2022 I was made a Fellow of the European Centre for Living Technology. From February 2024, I am serving as Director of the UKRI National AI Research Hub in AI for Collective Intelligence (https://ai4ci.ac.uk).
Research interests
My principal research interest is complex systems simulation: the application of modelling techniques developed within artificial intelligence, complexity science, maths and physics to understanding how complex systems behave. I am interested in the potential for the modelling techniques that I use to be applied to problems from many other disciplines. I have worked on problems from archaeology to zoology and my primary interests are in the life sciences and social sciences. I am also interested in self-organisation and adaptation in engineered systems, such as computational ecosystems, infrastructure systems, etc.
Short bio
After gaining a BA in cognitive science and a DPhil (PhD) in evolutionary simulation modelling from the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences at Sussex University, I spent two years in Berlin at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development working on simulating the evolution of adaptive decision-making behaviour in people and other animals. In 1999 I took up a five-year University Research Fellowship at the University of Leeds, founded the Biosystems research group, and became a Lecturer there in 2004. In October 2005 I joined the University of Southampton as Senior Lecturer, and helped to found the Science and Engineering of Natural Systems (SENSe) research group. In 2009 I became head of the SENSe group, and also became Director of Southampton's Institute for Complex Systems Simulation (ICSS). In 2011 I was promoted to Professor of Computer Science and helped found the Agents, Interaction and Complexity (AIC) research group. In 2015 I joined the University of Bristol's Department of Computer Science as Toshiba Chair in Data Science and Simulation.
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
8459 AI For Collective Intelligence
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School of Computer ScienceDates
01/02/2024 to 31/01/2029
8459 EPSRC EP/Y028392/1 AI For Collective Intelligence: Bristol Flexible Funding
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School of Computer ScienceDates
01/02/2024 to 31/01/2029
OAFI 8459 AI For Collective Intelligence
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School of Computer ScienceDates
01/02/2024 to 31/01/2029
Propserity Partnership with Thales
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
Department of Computer ScienceDates
01/10/2017 to 30/09/2022
Prosperity Partnership with Thales
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
Department of Computer ScienceDates
01/10/2017 to 31/03/2023
Thesis supervisions
Barriers to population level AMR research in UK livestock and opportunities for data science
UAV operator decision-making in a Search and Rescue Application
Towards Context-Aware Recommender Systems for Tourists
Coping with Complexity
Heterogeneity in Multi-Agent Systems
Recent publications
17/02/2025The potential and challenges of AI for collective intelligence
Collective Intelligence
Love in the time of Roomba
R.U.R. and the Vision of Artificial Life
Modeling language contact with the Iterated Learning Model
ALIFE 2024
Spatial Community Structure Promotes Extremism in an Adaptive Spatial Social Network Model
ALIFE 2024