Dr Sebastien Rochat
MSc, PhD
My expertise is situated at the interface of chemistry, materials science, nanotechnology and engineeringing; applications include energy conversion or storage, new materials discovery and stimuli-responsive, adaptive materials.
Current positions
Senior Lecturer
School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology
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I was born and raised in Switzerland and studied chemistry at EPFL, where I had the chance to pursue a variety of undergraduate research projects in the laboratories of Profs Paul J. Dyson (organometallic and medicinal chemistry), Pierre Vogel (asymmetric synthesis) and Geoffrey Bodenhausen (NMR). I carried out my final MSc project in the laboratory of Nicholas J. Long at Imperial College London in organometallic and supramolecular chemistry- a first taste of UK research! After graduation in 2006 I started my doctoral studies, still at EPFL, and I obtained as PhD degree in Chemistry in 2010 in the laboratory of Prof. Kay Severin, with a thesis entitled “Metal-based chemosensors for important bioanalytes”. Thanks to two consecutive post-doctoral Fellowships awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation I then joined the laboratory of Prof. Timothy M. Swager at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where I pursued numerous projects related to the development of polymer-based materials for organic electronics and sensing applications. After three years at MIT, I relocated to the UK, where I took a R&D position at Procter&Gamble. The call of academic research the strongest, I returned to academia at the University of Bath in 2016 to develop nanoporous composites for hydrogen storage (with Profs Andrew D. Burrows, Chris R. Bowen and Timothy J. Mays), and finally at the University of Bristol where I started my independent scientific career in May 2019.
Research interests
I am primarily interested in the discovery of new materials and composites for applications related to renewable energies and the environment. For example, I am interested in organic polymers able to catalyse reactions such as the splitting of water in hydrogen and oxygen, or the conversion of carbon dioxide into useful chemicals, using electricity or light as power sources. I am also interested in developing new materials and methods to store and purify hydrogen as a fuel, and in the discovery of new stimuli-responsive, adaptive materials that respond to external stimuli by changing their surface properties, electrical conductivity, or colour. Finally, I am also involved in the development of new high-performance polymers for applications as adhesives and fiber-reinforced plastics.
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Programmed assembly of protocellular materials
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School of ChemistryDates
01/07/2020 to 30/06/2023
Thesis supervisions
Photo-click Chemistry
Development of toughened and processable benzoxazine/sepiolite nanocomposites
Self-healing Composites Based on Cellulose Nanocrystals
Implementation of a photo-cleavable crosslinker in proteinosomes, protocellular materials and hydrogels
Microporous Carbon/Heteroatom Composites Towards Hydrogen Energy Technologies
Hydrogen Isotope Separation using Porous Materials
Recent publications
12/02/2025Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity as Light Absorber for Luminescent Solar Concentrators
Advanced Optical Materials
Green and sustainable devulcanization of ground tire rubber using choline chloride-urea deep eutectic solvent
RSC Sustainability
Impact of Cations and Framework on Trapdoor Behavior
Investigation of the Dynamic Behaviour of H 2 and D 2 in a Kinetic Quantum Sieving System
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
Modified Sepiolite Nanoclays in Advanced Composites for Engineering Applications
ACS Applied Nano Materials