Dr Sebastiaan Verweij
I work on English and Scottish pre-modern (medieval and renaissance) literature, especially poetry. I have special interests in book history, editing, place/space studies, the formation of Britain, and the Digital Humanities.
Current positions
Associate Professor in Scottish and English Premodern Literature
Department of English
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I joined the English Department at Bristol in September 2014.
My undergraduate degree is from the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, and as an UG I've studied abroad (Erasmus) at the University of Stirling. I have a PhD (2008) from the world's only Department of Scottish Literature at the University of Glasgow. Prior to coming to Bristol, I held two postdoctoral appointments: one at Cambridge (Scriptorium: Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Online), and the other at Oxford (The Oxford Edition of the Sermons of John Donne).
Research interests
My research interests are in premodern (late-medieval and early-modern, c. 1350-1700), Scottish and English literatures, especially poetry and poetics. As a practisioner of book-history, I am interested in the intersections between the book as material text and as literary artefact. I also continue to be engaged with Digital Humanities projects. Over the last year I have also become active in the spatial humanities: for instance the relationship between literature and geography, and how literary texts frame our experience of space and place.
I am especially busy with two current projects: in 2023/24 I held a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship for a project called Place and Poetry in Premodern Scotland. This will result in a book with chapters on e.g., 'Wild Places'; 'Travelling Places', and 'Place and Nation'. A supporting web resource (Place and Poetry in Premodern Scotland) produced in collaboration with the National Library of Scotland contains mini-editions of Scottish poems alongside historical maps.
With Steven Reid and Sìm Innes (Glasgow), I completed a British Academy Small Grant funded, proof-of-concept database and research project, the Literatures of Older Scotland Database (LOSD), a digital first-line index of Scottish poetry in Scots, Latin, and Gaelic. We are currently planning to move to a much more ambitious resource of this kind.
My first book The Literary Culture of Early Modern Scotland: Manuscript Production and Transmission, 1560-1625 (Oxford University Press 2016) won the Saltire Society's 'Scottish Research Book of the Year 2016' award. I am still at work, with Peter McCullough, on the Textual Companion volume in The Oxford Edition of the Sermons of John Donne (c. 2025/6). With Noah Millstone (Birmingham) I completed (in October 2018) the AHRC-funded project 'Manuscript Pampleteering in Early Stuart England'. Other ongoing and forthcoming work includes articles and book chapters on river poetry, Scottish renaissance lyric, book illustration, seventeenth-century Scottish miscellanies, and the impact of Scots poetics on early-Stuart English literary culture.
I co-founded (2015) and now co-convene the Early Modern Studies Research cluster at Bristol.
Research Supervision
I would be delighted to supervise a PhD in any of the areas outlined above in my research interests: English and Scottish late-medieval and early modern poetry and poetics; the spatial humanities (literature and space/place; literature and the environment); book-history (including editing, manuscript studies), and Digital Humanities. Don't be shy: please get in touch!
Editing / STS / Boards
From 2009 to 2014, I was co-editor (and co-founder) of the Open Access electronic Journal of the Northern Renaissance. I am also an Executive Member of Council (with a responsibility for all things digital) for the Scottish Text Society. I am an advisory board member for the Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons (GEMMS) project, based at the University of Regina, Canada. I was an external examiner at the University of Edinburgh; member of the Peer Review College of the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and sat on an advisory panel for a major upcoming exhibition at the British Library. I have peer reviewed publications for, e.g., Oxford University Press, Manchester University Press, Routledge, Huntington Library Quarterly, Renaissance Quarterly, Scottish Literary Review, Studies in Scottish Literature, and more.
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Place and Poetry in Premodern Scotland
Principal Investigator
This project will produce the first comprehensive study of the cultural representation of place in premodern Scottish poetry, c. 1400-1700. By examination of a wide range of poetry, I foreground…Managing organisational unit
Department of EnglishDates
01/09/2023 to 31/08/2024
The Literatures of Older Scotland Database
Principal Investigator
This project investigates the medieval and early-modern literatures of Scotland (c. 1304-1707) in three languages: Older Scots, Latin, and Gaelic. It will look to solve two problems: 1) the lack…Managing organisational unit
Department of EnglishDates
01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022
Manuscript Pamphleteering in Early Stuart England
Before the outbreak of Civil War in 1642, England developed a large, influential and often radical pamphlet literature. Speeches, learned briefs, and scaffold apologies joined character assassinations, secret histories and…Managing organisational unit
07/04/2017 to 07/10/2018
Manuscripts and Printed Books at Woburn Abbey
Principal Investigator
FUNDED by the Society of Antiquaries of London.
This project is dedicated to the private library and archives at Woburn Abbey. The purpose of the project is, first, to map…Managing organisational unit
School of HumanitiesDates
01/06/2016 to 01/02/2017
Selected publications
24/03/2016The Literary Culture of Early Modern Scotland:
The Literary Culture of Early Modern Scotland:
Sermon Notes from John Donne in the Manuscripts of Francis Russell, Fourth Earl of Bedford
English Literary Renaissance
“Booke, go thy wayes”
Huntington Library Quarterly
Recent publications
08/08/2024Jacobean to Early Stuart
The Oxford History of Poetry in English
The Routledge Companion to Scottish Literature
Place and Poetry in Premodern Scotland
Elizabeth Melville
The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Women's Writing in English, 1540-1700
Place, Poetry, and Politics
Scottish Literary Review
I teach widely in medieval and early-modern studies. Recently taught units include:
Literature 1150-1550 (year 1)
Literature 1550-1740 (year 1)
Chaucer and Chaucerians (year 2)
Writing the Margins (special subject) (year 2)
Kings, Queens and Sycophants (special subject) (year 3)
English MA programme (renaissance strands) (PGT)