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Research interests
I study aftershock sequences and their complex spatio-temporal-magnitudinal distributions. Explaining this complexity typically requires causation mechanisms beyond coseismic elasto-static Coulomb stress change, such as dynamic triggering and postseismic processes. My work specifically centres around the mechanism of aseismic afterslip (localized, gentle, frictional sliding that occurs as readjustment of the fault-plane for months or years after the mainshock) and its potential influence on aftershock characteristics.
Selected publications
28/12/2022Relative Afterslip Moment Does Not Correlate With Aftershock Productivity
Geophysical Research Letters
Afterslip Moment Scaling and Variability from a Global Compilation of Estimates
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Recent publications
23/01/2024Spatial Relationships Between Coseismic Slip, Aseismic Afterslip, and On‐Fault Aftershock Density in Continental Earthquakes
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Aftershock Sequence Selection Code (CHURCHILL_aftershockselect)
Afterslip Model Database RC2022
Afterslip Moment Scaling and Variability from a Global Compilation of Estimates
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Relative Afterslip Moment Does Not Correlate With Aftershock Productivity
Geophysical Research Letters
Characteristics of aseismic afterslip and its effects on aftershock sequences
Award date