Professor Liz Lloyd
Current positions
Honorary Senior Research Fellow
School for Policy Studies
Press and media
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Research interests
Research projects
- Support for Older Carers of Older People: the Impact of the 2014 Care Act
- Extra Care Housing for Older People: the ECHO Project
- Changing Places: Support for Older People entering care homes
- Healthy Ageing in Residential Places (HARP). Funded by the ESRC through the European REsearch Area (ERA) AGE programme.
- Liberty, equality, capacity: The impact of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) on human rights and social care practice
- Project ACE: Active Connected Engaged Communities. Funded by the MRC through the Long Life Health and Wellbeing Programme
- ealthy Ageing in Residential Places (HARP). Funded by the ESRC through the European REsearch Area (ERA) AGE programme.
- Liberty, equality, capacity: The impact of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) on human rights and social care practice
- Project ACE: Active Connected Engaged Communities. Funded by the MRC through the Long Life Health and Wellbeing Programme
- Maintaining dignity in later life: A longitudinal qualitative study of older people’s experiences of supportive care
- Supporting people health pilots evaluation (2007)
- Significant life events: Older peoples' perceptions of health and social services (2003)
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Innovative and Promising Social Work Practice with Older People in England: a preliminary study
Principal Investigator
The aims of this study are to:
1. Develop an evidence base of promising and innovative practice in social work with older people
2. Capture the range of settings in which…Managing organisational unit
School for Policy StudiesDates
01/04/2018 to 30/04/2019
Role of volunteers in care settings with older adults
Principal Investigator
This study sets out to explore how volunteering is implemented and delivered in the mixed economy of social care services for older people. Using an in-depth qualitative case study…Managing organisational unit
School for Policy StudiesDates
01/10/2017 to 30/04/2019
Support for Older Carers of Older People: the Impact of the 2014 Care Act
Principal Investigator
This project aims to examine the impact of the 2014 Care Act on local authority support for older carers providing unpaid, co-resident care to a partner.
There are more than half…Managing organisational unit
School for Policy StudiesDates
04/01/2016 to 30/04/2019
Working with Complexity: A Standalone Learning and Teaching Resource for Experienced Social Workers Supporting Older People
Principal Investigator
Commissioned by the Department of Health and in partnership with colleagues in Universities of Keele, Birmingham and Kent, this project will produce a learning tool to promote gerontological social work…Managing organisational unit
School for Policy StudiesDates
01/12/2015 to 01/04/2016
The Provision of Social Care in Extra Care Housing
Principal Investigator
As the UK population ages, the number of older people living on their own and requiring formal care is increasing. While these demographic changes have significant implications for adult…Managing organisational unit
School for Policy StudiesDates
01/10/2015 to 30/09/2017
Thesis supervisions
Recent publications
27/06/2023Unpaid Care Policies in the UKL
Unpaid Care Policies in the UKL
‘Extra hands’ or the ‘icing on the cake’?
International Journal of Care and Caring
Casting light on the distinctive contribution of social work in multidisciplinary teams for older people
British Journal of Social Work
Supporting Older Co-Resident Carers of Older People – The Impact of Care Act Implementation in Four Local Authorities in England
Social Policy and Society
The contribution of volunteers in social care services for older people
Voluntary Sector Review