Mr Jose Bayona
BSc, MSc
Current positions
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow
School of Earth Sciences
Press and media
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Research interests
My research interests primarily focus on improving probabilistic seismic hazard and risk assessments through the development, rigorous evaluation, and operationalisation of earthquake forecasting models. I combine statistical and physics-based methods to forecast the rate, location and magnitude of slow slip events and "fast" earthquakes, which I then compare against prospective out-of-sample observations. Additionally, I serve as a researcher and code developer for the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP) and as a postdoctoral representative on the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) committee of the School of Earth Sciences of the University of Bristol.
Recent publications
13/08/2024Developing, Testing, and Communicating Earthquake Forecasts: Current Practices and Future Directions
Reviews of Geophysics
Evaluation of a Decade-Long Prospective Earthquake Forecasting Experiment in Italy
Seismological Research Letters
New Features in the pyCSEP Toolkit for Earthquake Forecast Development and Evaluation
Seismological Research Letters
Are Regionally Calibrated Seismicity Models More Informative than Global Models? Insights from California, New Zealand, and Italy
The Seismic Record
Statistical power of spatial earthquake forecast tests
Geophysical Journal International