Dr Jessica Cross
PhD, PhD, BA, MSci
I work at the interface of chemistry, biology and engineering to design and engineer proteins to manipulate cell architecture, seeking to understand intracellular transport and design new protein machines for engineering biology.
Current positions
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I gained a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge and a PhD in Chemical Synthesis from the University of Bristol. I then did post-doctoral research in the School of Chemistry at the University of Bristol working with Professor Dek Woolfson and took up a Doctoral Prize Fellowship as a Senior Research Associate in the School of Biochemistry in Bristol working with Professor Mark Dodding. I am now a lecturer in Engineering Biology working on the Bristol/Oxford CDT in Engineering Biology in the School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology.
Biology in the School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology at the University of Bristol
(2025 – ongoing).
Biology in the School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology at the University of Bristol
(2025 – ongoing).
Recent publications
01/07/2024A de novo designed coiled coil-based switch regulates the microtubule motor kinesin-1
Nature Chemical Biology
Allosteric regulation of a molecular motor through de novo protein design
Differential sensing with arrays of de novo designed peptide assemblies
Nature Communications
De novo designed peptides for cellular delivery and subcellular localisation
Nature Chemical Biology
Molecular architecture of the autoinhibited kinesin-1 lambda particle
Science Advances
Peptide disruptors and facilitators of protein-protein interactions for mediating intracellular transport
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