Dr Charles Williams
BA, DPhil
Current positions
School of Geographical Sciences
Press and media
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Research interests
I am a Lecturer in Earth System Modelling at the University of Bristol, within the School of Geographical Sciences. I am also a part-time tutor at the University of Oxford's Department for Continuing Education, where I teach a course in Contemporary Climate Science, and I hold a Senior Visiting Research Fellow position at the Climate Division of the National Centres for Atmospheric Science (NCAS-Climate), University of Reading.
My teaching is primarily for our MSc Units, and I am the Convener of the mandatory (for the "Climate Change Science and Policy" MSc programme, at least) Units "Climate Change: Science and Impacts" and "Earth System Modelling". I am also the Undergraduate Dissertation Coordinator across Geographical Sciences.
As a Climate Scientist (and essentially a climate modeller), my research focuses on Deep time, looking at how climate has behaved in the warmer worlds experienced during the early Eocene and mid-Pliocene (approximately 50 million and 3 million years ago, respectively). My background lies in climate variability and change (and in particular rainfall extremes) over the tropics, with a focus on Africa, and associated atmospheric, oceanic and land surface interactions. In addition, my research interests include regional climate change and the resulting climate impacts, vulnerability to climate change and adaptation measures, and perceptions/beliefs of climate change. Outside my universities, I am a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and used to be Chair of their Climate Change Research Group
As is perhaps hinted at in the photo, I also happen to be physically disabled, using a specialised electric wheelchair, non-invasive ventilation and requiring 24/7 care (that I manage myself). With no exaggeration, I can only (just) lift a finger. Think Prof Stephen Hawking*, just much less intelligent.
* I myself would never make such a presumptive comparison, but others have!
Recent publications
04/12/2024Assessing future ice-sheet variability for long-term safety of deep geological repositories
Advances in Geosciences
The hydrological cycle and ocean circulation of the Maritime Continent in the Pliocene
Climate of the Past
Unraveling the mechanisms and implications of a stronger mid-Pliocene Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in PlioMIP2
Climate of the Past
African Hydroclimate During the Early Eocene From the DeepMIP Simulations
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Past terrestrial hydroclimate sensitivity controlled by Earth system feedbacks
Nature Communications