Dr Caryn Peiffer
Research on (anti)corruption policies in several countries on how 'tricky' policy issues, like anticorruption, are communicated to the public. Extensive experience engaging with a range of international policy actors.
Current positions
Associate Professor
School for Policy Studies
Press and media
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Caryn’s research examines the measurement and consequences of different forms of corruption, as well as the intended and unintended impacts of specific anticorruption efforts. She has conducted research in several countries including Zambia, Botswana, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Uganda, South Africa, Nigeria and Albania. She is a methodological pluralist and has conducted qualitative fieldwork, as well as mixed-methodological and experimental studies. She has expertise in the design of surveys that ask about organised crime and corruption. Of recent interest to her work is how to communicate to the public about polices meant to tackle ‘public bads’ like corruption or organised crime, without having unwanted and unintended impacts.
She regularly advises a range of policy actors, including national country governments, international organisations and civil society.
Research interests
Caryn’s research largely focuses on the impacts of corruption on public policy processes and the consequences of anticorruption policies. She is also increasingly interested in the impacts of communicating about tricky public policy areas, like corruption and organised crime, with the public. She has written about patterns of sexual corruption, other types of grass-roots corruption, the functionality of corruption, the measurement of corruption and on the unintended consequences of anticorruption policies. She has conducted research in many countries in several different regions, including Nigeria, Albania, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, South Africa and Uganda. She draws on a wide range of different methodological approaches in her work and has extensive experience in the design of household-level surveys and survey experiments, specifically. She regularly works with Transparency International and other international organisations, as well as several government agencies, to understand the likely impacts of anticorruption efforts on the measurement of corruption.
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Understanding Functionality for more effective SOC & Corruption strategies and interventions
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School for Policy StudiesDates
01/01/2024 to 31/07/2025
Messaging in Albania
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School for Policy StudiesDates
01/08/2021 to 31/03/2022
Testing the Corruption Functionality Framework
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School for Policy StudiesDates
01/08/2021 to 31/03/2022
8121 SPOL DFID via Uni of Birmingham 'Anti-Corruption Evidence Bribery Games' Dr Caryn Peiffer
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School for Policy StudiesDates
01/08/2018 to 31/03/2020
Investigating Islands of Integrity: Using a 'Positive Outlier' Approach to Understand How Corruption is Controlled
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School for Policy StudiesDates
01/07/2017 to 31/03/2018
Recent publications
23/01/2025Gendered corruption
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies
Anti-corruption awareness raising campaigns
The Routledge Handbook of Anti-Corruption Research and Practice
Getting the message right
Behavioural Public Policy
Opening the door to anti-system leaders? Anti-corruption campaigns and the global rise of populism
European Journal of Political Research
The ordinary people perspective
The Problem of Governing