Career Framework for Technical Staff

Diagram of the career framework for technical staff

Purpose of the Framework

The overall purpose of the Career Framework for Technical Staff* is to provide a multi-functional tool. It gives clarity to the different levels of technical work, provides supporting information to describe those levels, informs individuals to help them manage their careers, and guides future workforce planning. It also introduces some consistent language when describing various technical roles.

The Framework was approved by UPARC (University Planning and Resources Committee) in June 2017. It will be gradually introduced over an extended period as the career framework for all our technical resourcing*. It is expected to have a slower, more considered overall impact on the shape of technical services as this tool starts to be applied by all the key stakeholders to make informed decisions on staffing and career related matters.

Who is it for?

In addition to the main Career Framework model and descriptors there is also a Technical Role Types Information Toolkit. Mapped to the framework model, this gives staff access to outline profiles for each of 29 identified types of technical role across research, facilities, teaching and technical management.

The Career Framework will be particularly relevant to three key stakeholder groups:

1. Individual members of technical staff
2. Technical Managers and equivalent roles (including Professional Services Managers and Principle Investigators)
3. Other Key Stakeholders, e.g. HR, Finance and service receivers.

How can they use it?

*Definition of in-scope staff

The members of technical staff who are included within the remit of the Technical Staff and Services Strategy and the Career Framework for Technical Staff are defined as those who are engaged directly in supporting academic related work, i.e. teaching and research. These are primarily the technical staff based in the Faculties rather than those in the Divisions engaged in other support activities.

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