Research Staff Representation and Working Party & Concordat Champions

Find out about the RSWP, Research Staff Representatives and Concordat Champions.

The Research Staff Working Party

The Research Staff Working Party meets three times per year and is chaired by Marcus Munafò, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research Culture. This group reports to the University Research Committee. Full terms of reference, membership and meeting minutes are available.

The Research Staff Reps Committee

The Research Staff Reps Committee represents research staff from across the institution and facilitates engagement within the University. The committee meets six times a year, either side of the Working Party meetings. Additional meetings may be arranged to discuss or consult upon specific topics of importance. Minutes of the previous meetings are available. 

Research Staff Reps

Research Staff Representatives (reps) from each school make up the committee membership and are in place to provide the link between research staff and the central University structure. They facilitate communication – both locally where they work and across Faculties between Research staff and the wider research and academic community. The Chair and three other Reps are also part of the Working Party. For more information see the Reps Charter: Research Reps Charter (PDF, 297kB)

Concordat Champions

As part of the University’s commitment to the Concordat to support the career development of researchers each School is encouraged to appoint a local Concordat Champion. The role of the Champion is to help raise awareness of the Concordat and our collective role in supporting careers of researchers. Champions are academic members of staff who are on School committees, and they work closely with Research Staff Reps, Heads of Schools and others to address the local research culture.

Each school is encouraged to have at least one representative who will:

  • Represent the views of departmental research staff at the Research Staff Committee and thereby inform decision-making.
  • Help inform research staff of University developments that may have an impact on their role or career aspirations.
  • Provide information and support to new researchers.
  • Inform research staff of services and policies within the University.

Are you a new rep or interested in becoming one?

Research Staff Reps

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Concordat Champion

Look up who is the Concordat Champion in your School. 

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