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PARIP 2003



department of drama: theatre, film, television
university of bristol

grasping the fabulous nettle: ontologies, systems, criteria of/for practice as research?

One of the great pleasures of directing PARIP has been the discovery of the fabulous (and I mean 'fabulous') variety of approaches to practical creative research among PaR practitioners. This gives cause for terrific celebration, but also poses acute dilemmas about how the PaR communities are to arrive at a consensus about 'definitions' and 'standards' for evaluating the different types of PaR sympathetically but systematically. This brief paper will aim to frame some key principles on which such evaluative 'systems' might be founded and the implications for the types of 'criteria' they imply (note that perverse reversal and declension of the two main terms, which will, of course, inevitably haunt this presentation). Perhaps this ghosting might spark off a bouquet of ontological pyrotechnics, thus provoking immediate demands for the Director's resignation on the grounds that he is little more than a 'fabulist'.

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