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PARIP 2003



central school of speech and drama
queer praxis

Primarily I am interested in the way in which practice as research questions the economy of ‘value’ in terms of knowledges. That is, PAR generates certain types of knowledges that, perhaps, are not as highly ranked as knowledges gained using more conventional research methods. The types of knowledges PAR produces are similar in tone to what I would call a queer praxis. Through the paper I explore two student productions (Handke’s Kaspar and Kane’s Crave) that served as a playing out of a queer praxis. Via an exploration of the relationship of knowledges gained through ‘thinking’ and knowledges gained through ‘doing’, I conclude with an examination of the power game that is inherent in the generation of new knowledges, a power game in which PAR is necessarily embroiled.

Stephen Farrier is a Lecturer in Drama at the Central School of Speech and Drama. He has recently completed his PhD examining queer reading praxes.

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