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PARIP 2005

International Conference | 29 June - 03 July 2005

Quick: John | UK

Abstract for Writing Panel, PARIP 2005.

‘Writing and Performing’

In my performed piece I have attempted to address the issue of articulating practice as research. I have specifically created an audio-visual work, which has a written narrative integral to it but that also comments on it and articulates it as research.

In so doing I am trying to find a ‘key’ by which the articulation of creativity (practice as research) can be intrinsic to the work itself and not an add-on.

The work, ‘The Clip’, is meant to be both free standing as video art and also a journey through my thought processes – a sharing of creative ideas that came together to make ‘The Clip’.

So the audience is given both a ‘paper’ in the more traditional written sense but also an audio-visual one.  Each interacts with the other.  As I talks image flow on the screen behind me, timed precisely to illustrate my words.  Similarly, synchronous audio-visual sequences have their own audio commentary embedded within them (i.e. music) and are illustrated by my comments.

The aim is to present a piece in which the articulation of the practice is intrinsically present in the video work.






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