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Practice as Research PhD projects


Wright, Fiona | Nottingham Trent University

Title of the thesis:

other versions of an uncertain body: writing towards an account of a solo performance practice

This thesis is concerned with writing as documentation of live performance, in terms of both research processes and outcomes and it aims to destabilise conceptions of an artist's documentary practices and what becomes of them as performances and as moments in time. How do we treat our documents and the performance of our existing archives and newly-made relics as productions of knowledge?
This work has emerged from an ongoing consideration of the ways that solo performance is constituted by the spectator experience. It is located in the context of the researcher's own solo dance and performance art practice; a movement between the study and the studio. The intention of the project is to offer different registers of writing as generative disseminations of art making and this has itself led to a series of performance lectures, which have included video documentation by Becky Edmunds and Lucy Baldwin. The practice-based methodology seeks to develop self-reflexive strategies as a move beyond critical evaluation and towards an individual and particularised example of performance writing where the slippage of the visible and the excavation of the invisible can be traced through the memory of lived events.


Date of award: September 2005.


Dr Sophia Lycouris
Jean Baird
Prof. Martin Banham

External Examiners:

Dr Adrian Heathfield
Yve Lomax