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Practice as Research PhD projects


Ellis, Simon | University of Melbourne

Victorian College of the Arts School of Dance

Title of the thesis:

Indelible: a movement based practice-led inquiry into memory, remembering and representation.

'Indelible is a practice-led performance and dance research project. It has three outcomes or pathways, presented on DVD-ROM, via which the user-reader can experience multi-modal perspectives on remembering, memory, and representing performative ideas, events and actions. These pathways are video, writing and interactive and together they form a series of hypermedia framings by which the corporeal and philosophical underpinnings of the project are witnessed.

Within these core representations I have sought to confront the paradox affecting performance makers electing to recontextualise their work beyond live processes. How might the absence or disappearance of a so-called live work contribute to the overall design and representational practices underlying the outcomes? In this sense the three pathways that comprise Indelible generate a network of artistic, scholarly, poetic, and methodological layerings or enfoldings in which the user-reader is presented with possibilities for experiencing the vital subjectivity and inherent fallibility of memory and remembering.


Date of award: October 2005.


Dr. Don Asker
Dr. Karen Bond

External Examiners:

Dr. Sarah Rubidge
Prof. Barbara van Ernst