Frequently asked questions

  1. How do I apply for a place?
  2. How long is the waiting list?
  3. Can I get day care for my child at short notice?
  4. How does the retainer work?
  5. What is the minimum number of sessions that I can apply for?
  6. When can my child return to the nursery after illness?
  7. Can the nursery staff administer medication?
  8. What happens when my child leaves the nursery?
  9. Can I reduce my child's sessions at nursery for a limited period of time (for example, whilst I'm on maternity leave)?

1. How do I apply for a place?

Check the nursery admissions policy. Fill in the Application Form 2024 (Office document, 50kB) and return it to the Nursery Manager.

2. How long is the waiting list?

Long! For up to date information contact the nursery manager. Apply as early as you can. If your child has yet to be born write 'unknown' for child's forename on the application form.

3. Can I get day care for my child at short notice?

Generally the University Day Nursery can not provide care for non-registered children at short notice. However we can sometimes accomodate children of visiting academics or short-term students if we have availabilty at the time.

4. Holidays

We do not offer a discount or reduction for holidays. We will remove the meal charge if at least two weeks notice is given by completing and retuning a change of use form. Change of use/ Absence form 2024 (Office document, 62kB)

5. What is the minimum number of sessions that I can apply for?

2 full days or four sessions, morning and/or afternoon, with or without lunch.

6. When can my child return to the nursery after illness?

Children must be well enough to attend a full nursery day. They cannot return to nursery unless they are clear of a temperature for 24 hours.

It is imperative that children do not return to nursery until 48hrs after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea.

When returning your child to nursery after illness remember that they have to be able to cope with the nursery day and one-to-one care is not available. More information is available in the policies and procedures section.

7. Can the nursery staff administer medication?

We believe that children with long - term medical needs have the same rights of admission to the setting as other children. We will work with staff, parents, children and relevant healthcare professionals to enable this to happen whilst ensuring the safety of staff and children and recognising that there maybe circumstances in which this is unable to occur e.g. with complex medical procedures.

We aim
To enable children with long – term medical needs to access the provision.
To administer medicines for short – term medical needs to enable the child to attend the provision while recovering.
To be clear on the responsibilities of parents, management and staff.
To provide a safe and robust procedure for staff to follow.

Staff are able to administer medication in accordance with our policy - 

More information is available in the policies and procedures section.

8. What happens when my child leaves the nursery?

If you need to remove your child from the nursery please give at least 8 weeks notice. Failure to provide this could result in loss of your deposit.

It is expected that the children who will be attending school each September will not attend Nursery following the August Bank Holiday. If you require a place for your child following the Bank Holiday please make the request to the Nursery Manager as early as possible.

9. Can I reduce my child's sessions at nursery for a limited period of time (for example, whilst I'm on maternity leave)?

You can reduce your child's attendance at the nursery at any time using the and giving 8 weeks notice. However, we cannot guarantee that those sessions will still be available when you wish to increase your child's attendance again. It is important to maintain maximum occupancy to keep fees as low as possible.