One Health webinar

6 November 2024, 12.30 PM - 6 November 2024, 2.00 PM


This cross school ‘One Health’ webinar will bring together clinical academics and researchers from across the faculty interested in working on or learning more about ‘One Health’. Involvement and interest is particularly welcomed from varied disciplines and career stages, to start a conversation designed to identify opportunities for future collaboration. This session is the first step in sharing skills and expertise and to think about how we can best support and advance the One Health dimensions of the new faculty strategy.

The session, chaired by Alex Tasker (Senior Lecturer, Bristol Veterinary School), will include speakers who are actively engaged in One Health initiatives across the University of Bristol. There will also be time for discussion and questions.  

Organising this webinar is part of a bigger plan to bring together the clinical academic community in Bristol, at a day event on Wednesday 26 March 2025 (further details to follow). 

Any queries please contact Suzanne Mills (Research Development Associate, FHLS) RDUK, via   

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