GW4 Mental Health Research Network workshop

26 September 2024, 10.00 AM - 27 September 2024, 3.00 PM

Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TA

The professionally facilitated workshop will start mid-morning on the Thursday and end mid-afternoon on the Friday. There will be a drinks reception and networking dinner for all attendees at the hotel on the first evening. We have reserved some hotel rooms to help with those attending from outside the Bristol area.  

GW4 will fund the workshop, dinner and accommodation but we can't fund your travel to and from the event.  

HOLD THE DATE: more details to follow in due course.  

GW4 have set aside funds to support six Development Awards (up to £5k) to help new ideas and new research communities get off the ground. These will start to be developed at the workshop and submitted a week or so after the event. 

If you would like to join the GW4 Mental Health Research Network, complete the online form

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