GW4 Mental Health Research Networking and Bid Development Workshop

26 September 2024, 10.30 AM - 27 September 2024, 3.00 PM

Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel, Bristol, BS1 5TA

Hosted by the GW4 Mental Health Research Network

Please register here by 27 June  - Apply to attend

Please note you must be a member of the Network to take part due to limited spaces available- if you are not yet a member, Join the Network here

The workshop will focus on: 

  • Networking and facilitating potential GW4 collaborations
  • The mental health research landscape in the GW4 and critical mental health & illness issues to help address by research
  • World cafe style round table discussions on topics (proposed by yourselves) to scope new ideas for potential GW4 Development Award applications (6 are attached to this workshop) or other funding applications
  • Research enablers session  
  • Current funding landscape and opportunities
  • Next steps for the Network 

(There will be a few breakout rooms available on day 2 for more established/funded communities to hold some focused development discussions).     


In addition to networking in the refreshment breaks/lunches, there will be a drinks reception and a networking dinner for all attendees at the hotel on the first evening. We have reserved some hotel rooms (funded) to help with those attending from outside the Bristol area. 

Contact information

If you have any questions about the event contact 

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