Reproducibility by Design symposium

26 June 2024, 11.00 AM - 26 June 2024, 1.30 PM

G13-14 Life Sciences Building, 24 Tyndall Avenue Bristol BS8 1TQ

How can we promote reproducible ways of working across the Health and Life Sciences? Join us in person for a discussion and free pizza!

Open to all researchers across the Health and Life Sciences faculty at the University of Bristol.

This symposium will showcase some of the fantastic endeavours here at Bristol and further afield that aims to improve academic research reproducibility. There will be a selection of invited talks covering topics including the design of reproducible research, computational reproducibility, and enabling reproducibility through a new 'real time' publishing platform.

We have speaker slots available. If you would like the opportunity to showcase your reproducible research, please contact Nick Beazley-Long to arrange.

More information and to register for your free place

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