FAIR-enabling Research Data Policies workshop

5 September 2024, 1.00 PM - 5 September 2024, 2.30 PM


Adam Partridge, University of Sheffield, is hosting this event. During the workshop, attendees will learn more about FAIR-enabling policies and how to use FAIRsharing.org (a partner in the UKRN Open Research Programme) by creating an entry for a data management policy from their institution. It will also be a chance to meet staff at other UKRN institutions interested/involved with developing policies to discuss common issues and questions.

Members of the UKRN STAR project will also present some of their most recent findings that have implications for policy development and there will be a chance for further discussion of these issues. 

The goal is for at least one representative from each UKRN institution to attend - this could be yourself, or a colleague more directly involved with policy development. You don't have to be involved with policy development to attend - only keen to learn more. 

The meeting link is here:  https://meet.google.com/oec-hzhc-ods

Please let Adam know if you're interested and would like him to add you to the calendar invite. Also, if you are unable to attend but would be interested in attending a future workshop, please contact Adam.

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