ELRIG Drug Discovery Conference 2024

2 October 2024, 9.00 AM - 3 October 2024, 5.00 PM

Keynotes: Ijeoma Uchegbu (Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanoscience, UCL & CSO, Nanomerics) & Marcus Schindler (Executive Vice President for Research and Early Development and CSO, Novo Nordisk)

ExCel London

Hosted by the The European laboratory research & innovation group (ELRIG)

Scientific tracks cover therapeutic themes such as mechanisms of ageing and cell & gene therapy, but also more practical aspects of drug discovery encompassing advances in assay design, applications in high content imaging, target identification and disease modelling.

This year’s Scientific Content Partners are the Cell & Gene Therapy Catapult, the Royal Society of Chemistry, SBi2 and SLAS, all of whom are providing science tracks prepared by their community members. The exhibition hall will be hosting over two hundred drug discovery suppliers so you can learn about all the latest products and services you can use in your research.

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