7th BonnBrain Conference

19 August 2024, 9.00 AM - 21 August 2024, 5.00 PM

Landesmuseum Bonn and Venusberg Campus of University Clinic Bonn

  • Topics Covered:
    • Circuit and behavior evolution
    • Role of network, brain, and body states in different behaviors
    • Computational neuroscience
  • Plenary Speakers:
  • Opportunities:
    • Art competition
    • Poster sessions
    • Student-organized symposium
    • Young investigator talks
    • Abstract submissions for early career and established researchers
    • Opportunities for individuals at all career stages to network and present their research

The deadline for abstract submissions and the art competition is July 8, 2024.

More information and to register

Contact information

Enquiries organization@bonnbrain.de

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