Basic statistics and data interpretation

15 October 2024, 10.00 AM - 15 October 2024, 4.00 PM

ARC West, Whitefriars, Lewins Mead, Bristol, BS16 2BL

Delivered by the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) West

Do you regularly need to read statistical papers? Would you like to feel more confident about interpreting quantitative data or carrying out simple statistical analyses?

This face-to-face course is aimed at anyone working in health and social care who needs to interpret the more commonly reported statistics in academic papers and scientific reports. If you are analysing data from a service evaluation or research project and need to present the results and perform simple statistical analyses, this course is for you.

We will cover:

  • Identifying different types of data
  • Summarising data (using graphs and summary statistics)
  • Interpretation of commonly used statistical terms such as hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and p-values
  • Identifying the best statistical tests for different types of data
  • Interpretation of basic statistical tests such as t-tests and chi-squared tests
  • Interpretation of measures of association (such as odds ratios and risk ratios)

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Enquiries to Jon Kerslake

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