Neural Dynamics Forum

25 June 2021, 1.00 PM - 25 June 2021, 2.00 PM

Steve Coombes (University of Nottingham)

Royal Fort Gardens (weather permitting)

Hosted by the Neural Dynamics Forum

Please note this seminar will be taking place in person in Royal Fort Gardens, weather permitting. Contact Luke Burguete for details closer to the time. 

Throughout my research career I have been working in Mathematical Neuroscience with a particular interest in the use of nonlinear dynamics to understand aspects of the human central nervous system. These long-term goals have required me to build up, and help develop, a wide-ranging set of mathematical tools (for describing single cells through to networks). This has led to the development of Evans function techniques for the analysis of wave stability in neural fields as well as pioneered the use of nonsmooth dynamics for understanding spiking network states. In parallel with these theoretical developments, I have set out on the journey to learn the language of the experimentalists and now work in an environment that allows extensive collaboration with experimental groups within the University of Nottingham, including the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, the MRC Institute of hearing research, Psychology, Electrophysiology, and the Nottingham Beacon in Precision Imaging.


Contact information

Contact Luke Burguete with any enquiries. 

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