Festival gallery

Battle of the brains exhibition stall

Battle of the Brains

The BRACE exhibition stall


The brain art competition 2016 winning pieces exhibited on poster boards

Brain Art winners.

The brillant brains show

Brilliant Brains show.

Demonstrator showing the evolution of the brain exhibit to school children

Evolution of the brain

Giant brain


General view of the festival in Wills Memorial Building Great Hall, University of Bristol

Visitors in the hall

General view of the festival in Wills Memorial Building Great Hall, University of Bristol

Visitors in the hall

School child knitting a neurone

Knit a neurone

Knit a neurone activity stall

Knit a neurone

School children at the looking at brains activity stall

Examining brains

Child trying out the mind games activity

Mind games

Primary school visitors viewing the exhibition stands

Primary school activities

School parties arriving at the festival

School parties arriving

School children looking at the fly exhibitVisitors at fly exhibits

Visitors at postersVisitors at posters

Visitors at postersVisitors at posters

See highlights of the 2016 festival below:

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