Areas of expertise |
I have wide-ranging research interests in the reception of classical literature, particularly in the 20th century, and in mythology, psychoanalytic theory and feminist thought. I have published on a variety of classical authors including Homer, Aeschylus and Ovid and on Shakespeare, Keats, Melanie Klein, James Joyce, Freud, and Mary Shelley. I am currently working on Ted Hughes’ ‘Prometheus on the Crag’ poems for a collection on Ted Hughes and the Classics, a piece on Bion’s use of classical literature in his psychoanalytic writings, and the myth of Hermaphroditus for a collection entitled Queering Ovid. My major project is a book on literary identifications, which examines the concept of identification as part of the reading process from a variety of ancient and modern perspectives. I am also preparing a text book, which introduces critical theoretical concepts to those reading Greek and Latin literature in translation.