Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Jon Pugh

Personal details
Name Dr Jon Pugh
Job title Senior Research Associate
Department Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications BSc, MSc(R'dg)
Professional details
Keywords electromagnetic modelling
nano-scale photonic crystal devices
indium phosphide
indium antimonide
Areas of expertise My work is focused on electromagnetic modelling and focused ion beam fabrication of nano-scale photonic crystal devices emitting in the near and mid-infrared spectral regions. These devices are based around Indium Phosphide and Indium Antimonide material systems respectively. My research is funded by the EPSRC with the addition of a CASE studentship supplied by QinetiQ.