Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Maria Usowicz

Personal details
Name Dr Maria Usowicz
Job title Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology
Department School of Physiology, Pharmacology & Neuroscience University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Hons), PhD
Professional details
Keywords cerbellar slices
patch-clamp recording
tonic neurotransmission
cerebellar purkinje cells
cerebellar granule cells
tonic inhibition
alternative splicing
calcium channels; synaptic transmission; cerebellum
Areas of expertise -Voltage-gated calcium channels in the brain.

I am investigating how the functional and molecular properties of P-type channels vary between different types of brain neurons and during neuronal maturation.

-Synaptic transmission in the brain.

I am interested in the speed of synaptic transmission and how this is defined at a particular synapse, the quantal properties, the spatial spread of transmitter, and how these properties change during maturation of the brain. My focus is on synaptic transmission at identified synapses in immature and mature cerebellum.

-Down's syndrome.

Motor deficits of varying severity are common to individuals with Down's syndrome, such as slower development of and difficulty in acquiring new motor skills, strabismus, nystagmus, impaired speech, altered posture, gait and balance. There is loss of ~25% of granule neurons in the cerebellum. I am exploring how the intrinsic and synaptic properties of the surviving granule cells are altered in the Ts65Dn model.
Languages (other than English)
Polish spoken    written