Example projects - PhD Integrative Cardiovascular Science

Here are some examples of the types of interdisciplinary projects that will be on offer to you in the PhD Integrative Cardiovascular Science programme.

If you are successful in being shortlisted for interview, we will provide more details. You will be asked to select your choice of three projects before your interview.

  • Periodontitis an overlooked risk factor for coronary artery disease.
  • Harnessing nociceptors for ischemic preconditioning and postconditioning.
  • Genetics of ECG traits.
  • Common causal paths between congential heart disease and maternal and offspring general cardiometabolic health.
  • The creation of live conduits and valves for the correction of congenital heart disease using stem cell tissue engineering technologies.
  • Improving strategies of myocardial protection and cardiopulmonary bypass in neonates and infants born with CHD.
  • Understanding right ventricular failure and arrhythmia  in children and young adults with CHD: from molecular mechanisms to the new imaging technologies.
  • Molecular profiling to determine aetiology of ascending aortic dilation in bicuspid aortic valve patients.
  • Perivascular adipose tissue as a modulator of coronary artery bypass graft outcome.
  • Methylation of platelet F2RL3 gene provides a major mechanism for smoking-induced coronary thrombosis and cardiovascular disease risk.
  • Heart failure: understanding ECG changes in the context of cellular remodelling.
  • Heart failure: a problem in signal transduction amenable to drug therapy.
  • Mice are not humans: comparative studies in the structure/function relationship in cardiac cells.
  • Molecular profiling to determine aetiology of ascending aortic dilation in bicuspid aortic valve patients.
  • Trialing a new physiological pacing device for cardiac re-synchronisation in a large pre-clinical animal model of heart failure.
  • Improving blood flow to the brain as a treatment strategy for hypertension: a translational study from rat to man.
  • Identifying novel druggable targets in the human carotid body to treat cardiovascular disease.
  • Tissue bio-engineering of small arteries for coronary bypass application in clinically relevant in-vivo models.
  • Tissue bio-engineering of large arteries for aortic surgery applications using acellular vascular matrix and wall share stress.
  • Harnessing of inflammation for modulation of vascular tissue engineering and matrix remodelling.

More about the PhD Integrative Cardiovascular Science.

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The variety of projects available with well-known supervisors, specialist in the field. Ability to do translational research.

Hazel Blythe
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