Inclusive Research Collective (IRC)

The Inclusive Research Collective (IRC)was recently set up in the Faculty of Life Sciences with the aim of educating University of Bristol staff and students on non-inclusive research practices and to challenge these methodologies within our biomedical and healthcare research.  We are organising a series of workshops which are intended to highlight under-represented groups and to start open discussions to promote awareness and accountability in research. Throughout 2020 and 2021 we are running webinar workshops focusing on different aspects of the intersectionality of inequalities within our teaching and research. A subsidiary discussion group, The Learning Forum, will run in parallel to promote active engagement with addressing, in the first instance, wider issues of racism within society.

Live sessions will be recorded, where possible, and the content available for viewing on the IRC FLS SharePoint Site. 

Please note, all students and staff within the University of Bristol are welcome to attend these events.    

Upcoming events: See for details

If you would like to contact us to suggest a theme, or speakers, please contact  

These events are sponsored by generous funding from Bristol Clear, the Biochemical Society and the Wellcome Trust.

Events generously sponsored by Bristol Clear
Events generously sponsored by the Biochemical Society
Events generously sponsored by the Wellcome Trust

IRC Committee and Working Group

The IRC Central Committee is made up of staff and postgraduate students from the Faculty of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, and RED. The Central Committee meets weekly to discuss ongoing projects and upcoming events. 

IRC projects largely fall into the following: 

1.       Events & Workshops 

Organising talks & workshops to discuss non-inclusive research practices and promote inclusive academic work environments. 

2.       Mentoring Network 

Development of a mentoring network for students and early-career researchers at the  University of Bristol, focusing on a personal & cross-discipline approach. 

3.       e-zine

Development of an online digital magazine (‘e-zine’), to highlight the people behind the science and frame their research in the wider context of our society. 

4.       Decolonising the Curriculum 

Contribution to ongoing decolonisation work undertaken by the Faculty of Life Sciences. 

5.       The Learning Forum 

Monthly discussion group focusing on wider issues of racism within society. 

If you are interested in getting involved with any of our projects and joining a Working Group, please get in touch via email: 

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