Selected Bibliography on NHRIs

  • Paris Principles: Principles Relating to the Status and Functioning of National Institutions for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights (The Paris Principles), Resolution 1992/54, endorsed by the UN General Assembly Resolution 48/134, 20 December 1993.

Selected Academic Literature:

  • Alston, P, Non-State Actors and Human Rights (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005)
  • Alston, AP, 'The "Not-a-Cat" Syndrome: Can the International Human Rights Regime Accommodate Non-State Actors? in P Alston, Non-State Actors and Human Rights (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005
  • Aston, JD, 'The United Nations Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations: Guarding the Entrance to a Politically Divided House' (2001) 12 (5) EJIL 943-62
  • Barnett, MN, and Finnemore, M, 'The Politics, Power, and Pathologies of International Organizations' (1999) 53(4) International Organization 699-732
  • Bhadain, V, 'The Institution of the Ombudsman in Mauritius, in K Hossain et al, Human Rights Commissions and Ombudsman Offices. National Experiences Throughout the World (The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 2001) 315-29
  • Bianchi, A, 'Globalization of Human Rights: The Role of Non-State Actors', in G Teubner (ed), Global Law without a State (Dartmouth, Aldershot, 1996)
  • Bizjak, I, 'The Role and Experience of an Ombudsman in a New Democracy' (1998) 2 International Ombudsman Yearbook 57-62
  • Breen, C, 'Rationalising the Work of UN Human Rights Bodies or Reducing the Input of NGOs? The Changing Role of Human Rights NGOs at the United Nations' (2005) 5 Non-State Actors and International Law 101-26.
  • Burdekin, B, 'Human Rights Commissions' in K Hossain, L Besselink, H Selaisse and E Volker (eds), National Human Rights Commissions and Ombudsman Offices: National Experiences Throughout the World (Dordrecht, Kluwer Law International, 2001) 801-34
  • Cardenas, S, 'Emerging Global Actors: The United Nations and National Human Rights Institutions' (2003) 9 Global Governance 23-42
  • Carver, ‘A New Answer to an Old Question: National Human Rights Institutions and the Domestication of International Law’ (2010) 10 (1) Human Rights Law Review-32
  • Carver, R, and Hunt, P, 'Human Rights Institutions in Africa' in K Hossain, L Besselink, H Selaise and E Volker (eds), National Human Rights Commissions and Ombudsman Offices: National Experiences Throughout the World (Dordrecht Klower Law International, 2000) 801
  • Cullen, H, and Morrow, K, 'International Civil Society in International Law: The Growth of NGO Participation' (2001 1 Non-State Actors and International Law 7-39
  • De Beco ‘National Human Rights Institutions in Europe’ (2007) 7:2 Human Rights Law Review, 334
  • Decaux, E, 'Evolution and Perspectives for National Institutions in the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights: Their Contribution to the Prevention of Human Rights Violations' (2001) 67 International Studies in Human Rights 233-43
  • Dickson ‘The contribution of human rights commissions to the protection of human rights’ (2003) Public Law 272-285
  • Dickson, B, 'Human Rights Commissions: A Unique Role to Play, Now and in the future', 27 Human Rights, Summer 2000
  • Dickson, B, Chief Commissioner, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Address to the Workshop on the Paris Principles, Tirana, Albania, 5 May 2004,
  • Ebrahim, H, The Soul of a Nation: Constitution-Making in South Africa (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999)
  • Edwards, M, Hulme, D, and Wallace, T, 'NGOs in a Global Future: Marrying Local Delivery to Worldwide Leverage' (1999) 19 Public Administration and Development 117-36
  • Evans, C, ' Human Rights Commissions and Religious Conflict in Asia-Pacific Region (2004) 53 ICLQ 713-29
  • Fombad, CM, 'Election Management Bodies in Africa: Cameroon's National Elections Observatory in Perspective' (2003) 3 (1) African Human Rights Law Journal 25-51
  • Gallagher, A, 'Making Human Rights Treaty Obligations a Reality: Working With New Actors and Partners' in P Alston and J Crawford, The Future of UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000)
  • Gallarotti, GM, 'The Limits of International Organization: Systematic Failure in the Management of International Relations' (1991) 45(2) International Organization 183-220
  • Gloppen, S, South Africa: The Battle Over the Constitution (Dartmouth, Ashgate, 1997)
  • Gomez, M, 'Sri Lanka's New Human Rights Commissions (1998) 20(2) Human Rights Quarterly 281-302
  • Gomez, M, 'Social Economic Rights and Human Rights Commissions' (1995) 17(1) Human Rights Quarterly 155-69
  • Grant, S, 'The NGO Role: Implementation, Expanding Protection and Monitoring the Monitors' in AF Bayefsky (ed), The UN Human Rights Treaty System in the 21st Century (Dordrecht, Kluwer Law International, 2000) 209-17
  • Hadden, T, 'The Role of a National Commission in the Protection of Human Rights' in K Hossain et al (eds), Human Rights Commissions and Ombudsman Offices (Dordrecht, Kluwer Law International, 2001) 791-99
  • Harding, C, 'Statist Assumptions, Normative Individualism and New Forms of Personality: Evolving a Philosophy of International Law for the Twenty First Century' (2001) 1 Non-State Actors and International Law 197-125
  • Hatchard, J, 'National Human Rights Commissions in the Commonwealth', background paper to the Conference on Commonwealth Human Rights Institutions: Promoting Good Practice, organised by the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative/Institute for Public Policy Research, 16-17 October 1997, London, UK
  • Hatchard, J, 'A New Breed of Institution: The Development of Human Rights Commissions in Commonwealth Africa with particular Reference to the Uganda Human Rights Commission' (1999) Comparative and International Law Journal of South Africa 28
  • Hatchard, J, Workshop on the Use of Public Inquiries and Formal Hearings by Commonwealth Human Rights Commissions. Report. Organised by British Council and the Uganda Human Rights Commission, 25-27 February 2003.
  • Hatchard, J, Nudulo, M, and Slinn, P, Comparative Constitutionalism and Good Governance in the Commonwealth: An Eastern and Southern African Perspective (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2004)
  • Higgott, RA, Underhill, G, and Bieler, A (eds), Non-State Actors and Authority in the Global System (London, Routledge, 2000)
  • Hossain, K, Besselink L, Selaisse, H, and Volker, (eds), National Human Rights Commissions and Ombudsman Offices: National Experiences Throughout the World (Dordrecht, Kluwer Law International, 2001)
  • Howes, M, 'NGOs and the Development of Local Institutions: A Ugandan Case Study' (1997) 35(1) Journal of Modern African Studies 17-35
  • International Council on Human Rights Policy, Performance and Legitimacy: National Human rights Institutions (Geneva, International Council on Human Rights Policy, 2000)
  • Kabir, AHM, 'Establishing National Human Rights Commissions in Asia: A Critical Analysis of the Processes and Prospects' (2001) 2 Asia-Pacific Journal of Human Rights and Law 1
  • Kamminga, MT, 'The Evolving Status of NGOs under International Law: A Threat to the Inter-State System?' in P Alstan, Non-State Actors and Human Rights (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005) 93-112
  • Keck, ME, and Sikkink, K, 'Transnational Advocacy Networks in International and Regional Politics' (New York, UNESCO 1999)
  • Kumar, CR, 'National Human Rights Institutions: Good Governance Perspectives on Institutionalization of Human Rights' (2003 2 American University International Law Review 259-300
  • Lindsnaes, B, Lindholt, L, and Yigen, K, National Human Rights Institutions. Articles and Working Papers (Copenhagen, Danish Centre for Human Rights, 2000)
  • Livingstone and Murray, ‘Evaluating the Effectiveness of National Human Rights Institutions: The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission with Comparisons from South Africa’ (University of Bristol and Queen’s University Belfast, 2005)
  • Livingston, S and Murray, R, 'The Effectiveness of National Human Rights Institutions' in S Halliday and P Schmidt, Human Rights Brought Home: Socio Legal Perspectives on Human Rights in the National Context (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2004) 137-64
  • Livingstone, S, 'The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission' (1999) 22 Fordham International Law Journal 1465-98
  • Lord, R, 'The Liability of Non-State Actors for Torture in Violation of International Humanitarian Law: An Assessment of the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia' (2003) Melbourne Journal of International Law 112
  • McCorquodale, R, 'The Individual and the International Legal System' in M Evans International Law (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003 299-325
  • Makubuya, A, 'Breaking the Silence: A Review of the Maiden Report of the Uganda Human Rights Commission' (1999) 5 East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights 213
  • Maragia, B, 'Almost There: Another way of Conceptualizing and Explaining NGOs Quest for Legitimacy in Global Politics' (2002) 2 Non-State Actors and International Law 301-302
  • Matshekga, J, 'Toothless Bulldogs? The Human Rights Commissions of Uganda and South Africa: A Comparative Study of their Independence' (2002) 2(1) African Human Rights Law Journal 68-91
  • Murray, R, 'Report of the 1999 Sessions of the African Commission on Human and Peoples'Rights (2001) 22 Human Rights Law Journal 172-98
  • Murray, R, Human Rights in Africa. From Organization of African Unity to African Union (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
  • Murray ‘National Human Rights Institutions. Criteria and Factors for Assessing their Effectiveness’ (2007) 25:2 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights
  • Murray, The Role of National Human Rights Institutions and the International and Regional Levels. The Experience of Africa (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2007)
  • Mutunga, W, and Mazrui, A, 'Rights Integration in an Institutional Context: The Experience of the Kenya Human Rights Commission' (2002) 8 Buffalo HRLR 123
  • Norchi, C, 'The National Human Rights Commission of India as a Value-Creating Institution in J Montgomery (ed), Human Rights: Positive Policies in Asia and the Pacific Rim (Hollis New Hampshire, Hollis Publishing Company, 1998)
  • Obe, AMO, 'Working with National Human Rights Commissions. The Experience of Nigeria'
  • Okafor, OC, 'Reconceiving "Third World" Legitimate Governance Struggles in our Time: Emergent Imperatives for Rights Activism' (2000) 6 Buffalo Human Rights Law Review 1
  • Okafor and Agbakwa 'On Legalism, Popular Agency and “Voices of Suffering”: the Nigerian National Human Rights Commission in Context’ (2002) 24 Human Rights Quarterly, 662- 720
  • Pohjolainen, A-E, The Evolution of National Human Rights Institutions. The Role of the United Nations (Danish Institute for Human Rights, Copenhagen, 2006)
  • Ratner, S, 'Corporations and Human Rights: A Theory of Legal Responsibility' (2001) 11 Yale Law Journal 443.
  • Reif, LC, 'Building Democratic Institutions: The Role of National Human Rights Institutions in Good Governance and Human Rights Protection' (2000) 13 Harvard Human Rights Journal 1-59
  • Reinisch, A, 'The Changing International Legal Framework for Dealing with Non-State Actors in P Alston, Non-State Actors and Human Rights (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005) 37-89
  • Schabas, W, 'Theoretical and International Framework: Punishment of Non-State Actors in Non-International Armed Conflict (2003) 26 Fordham Journal of International Law 907
  • Schreuer, C, 'The Waning of the Sovereign State: Towards a New Paradigm for International Law?' (1993) 4 EJIL 447-71
  • Shelton, D, 'The Participation of Nongovernmental Organizations in International Judicial Proceedings' (1994) 88 AJIL 611
  • Short, EF, 'The Development and Growth of Human Rights Commission in Africa: The Ghanaian Experience' in K Hossain et al, Human Rights Commissions and Ombudsman Offices. National Experiences Throughout the World (Dordrecht, Kluwer Law International, 2001) 187-210
  • Tabiu, M, 'National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria' in K Hossain et al, Human Rights Commissions and Ombudsman Offices. National Experiences Throughout the World (Dordrecht, Kluwer Law International, 2001) 553-59
  • Von Tigerstrom, B, 'The Role of the Ombudsman in Protecting Economic, Social and Cultural Rights' (1998) 2 International Ombudsman Yearbook 3-56
  • Tsekos, ME, 'Human Rights Institutions in Africa' (2002) 9(2) Human Rights Brief 21-24
  • Van Boven, T, 'The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations in International Human Rights Standard Setting: A Prerequisite for Democracy' (1990) 20 California Western ILJ207
  • De Waal, A, 'Human Rights in Africa: Values, Institutions and Opportunities' in K Hossain et al, Human Rights Commissions and Ombudsman Offices. National Experiences Throughout the World (Dordrecht, Kluwer Law International, 2001) 759-81
  • Warbrick, C, 'States and Recognition in International Law' in M Evans, International Law (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003)
  • Weissbrodt, D, 'The Role of International Non-Governmental Organizations in the Implementation of Human Rights' (1977) 12 Text, ILJ279
  • Whiting, A, 'Situating Suhakam. Human Rights Debates and Malaysia's National Human Rights Commission' (2002) 39 Stanford Journal of International Law 1
  • Willetts, P, 'Transnational Actors and International Organizations in Global Politics' in JB Baylis and S Smith (eds), The Globalisation of World Politics, (Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press, 2nd edn, 2001) 356-83

Selected Reports by various actors:

  • ANNI Report on the Performance and Establishment of National Human Rights Institutions in Asia (Bangkok, Thailand, 2008)
  • European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights Handbook on the establishment and accreditation of National Human Rights Institutions in the European Union’ (Vienna, Austria, 2012)
  • Human Rights Watch Protectors or Pretenders? Government Human Rights Commissions in Africa’ (New York: Human Rights Watch, 2001)
  • OHRCH National Human Rights Institutions. History, Principles, Roles and Responsibilities. Professional Training Series 4 (Rev.1)’ (New York and Geneva, 2010)
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