African Court

The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (African Court) is of great interest to the HRIC in the context of its work on the African human rights system. The HRIC has organised a number of high level seminars involving representatives of the African Court and, carried out activities to examine the relationship between the African Court and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and is currently conducting research into the individual communications (complaints) procedures of both bodies.

A number of publications concerning the African Commission have been written by HRIC staff members, most notably concerning the African court:

  • R. Murray, ‘The African Court and Commission’, in The Essentials of Human Rights, R. K. M. Smith & C. Anker (eds.). Hodder Arnold, (2005) p. 6 - 9
  • R. Murray, ‘The African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights Order for Provisional Measures against Libya: Greater Promise for Implementation of Human Rights in Africa?’, in 4 European Human Rights Law Review (2011), p. 464-473
  • R. Murray, ‘Human Rights in Africa after the Establishment of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights’, in Human Rights in Africa and Europe (2004), Free University of Brussels’ Conference Report
  • R. Murray, ‘A Comparison between the African and European Courts of Human Rights’, 2 African Human Rights Law Journal (2002), p. 195-222
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