Expert Advice - Turkmenistan

2010 and 2011

HRIC has worked extensively with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Turkmenistan in assisting the Turkmen authorities in their preparations for the examination of their initial report submitted under the UN Convention against Torture to the Committee against Torture (CAT). The Turkmen authorities submitted the initial report to CAT with some 9 years delay and the report was considered by CAT in May 2011.

At the request of the UNDP in Turkmenistan, Dr Steinerte travelled to Ashgabat three times: in July and October 2010 and in April 2011. In the remits of the EU/UNDP/OHCHR joint project "Strengthening the national capacity of Turkmenistan to promote and protect human rights." During these visits Dr Steinerte held workshops aimed at identifying any gaps in the initial report submitted to CAT and assisting the delegation with its preparations for the presentation of report in May 2011.

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